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Selectmen's Minutes 2009/09/21
7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, September 21, 2009

Present: Stephen White Chairman, William Roach Vice-Chairman, Fred Gallup, Charlotte Brown, Emma Smith. Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Also Present: Katie Richardson Intertown Record, Tony Bergeron Road Agent, Robin Saunders, Shane Hastings, Rhonda Gurney, Peter Urbach, Charles Smith, Suzanne Gottling, Brian Emery Lela Emery.

The meeting was called to order by Stephen White, Chairman at 7:00PM

Tony Bergeron, Road Agent
•During the summer Mr. Bergeron approached the State DOT to get permission to select the engineering firm to do the design work on the Lower Main Street Bridge. The DOT gave Mr. Bergeron permission to use a previously used engineering firm, H.E. Bergeron. The next step was to get the cost for preliminary design work and a probably cost for the entire project. The preliminary cost of the project is $450,000. In the State bridge aid program it is an 80/20 ratio of funds. The Town’s share is approximately $90,000. When the application for the bridge aid is submitted the DOT would like a commitment from the Town that they have already raised that $90,000. Sometimes in lien of that, they will accept the amount of money of the estimated engineering fee of $60,000. Currently there is $55,000 in the Capital bridge program, which isn’t enough. Hopefully, the DOT will accept this amount to be able to get through the initial phrase of the design project, which is a cost of $20,000. As of today, Mr. Bergeron has not heard back from the DOT. The goal is that there might be a second round of stimulus money and if the project is ready the Town might be able to participate. The bridge is listed with the State and to get into their regular program will probably take 10 years, with the stimulus money, it could be next year. Mr. Bergeron stated as we go through the budget process that the Capital Reserve request of $25,000 should be raised to $35,000 this year to show the Town has an commitment on the 20% share.  
•The Green-up Clean-up Roadside program sent the town 800 daffodils.
•On Thursday the “Welcome to Sunapee” signs will be installed.

Robin Saunders, Perkins Pond Diagnostic Study
•Ms. Saunders informed the Board that the diagnostic study that was started in 2004 was received a month ago. It’s a 200 page study with all the charts and measurements done on Perkins Pond during an 18 month period. Ms. Saunders will leave 2 copies of the study with the Board.
•Donna Nashawaty updated the Board on the hike she did with David Bailey, Water and Sewer Superintendent and the engineers between the Treatment Plant and Ryder Corner Road. Donna Nashawaty has not gotten the engineering reports back, but in the meantime, has worked with the Town Attorney to come up with some draft language for the temporary and permanent easement that’s going to be necessary for the residents around Perkins Pond. Robin Saunders in conjunction with the Perkins Pond Association has started giving them out and getting them notarized.

Chairman White wanted to bring the Board up to date on the meeting held on September 8th between the Old Town Hall Committee and the Library Building Committee regarding the use of the Old Town Hall meeting with the Library. Chairman White thought it was a very fruitful meeting. During the Old Town Hall Committee meeting with the Library Building the motion was made by Michael Durfor of the Old Town Hall Committee to allow the Library Building Committee to come back to see if there was some way this could go forward. Chairman White made a motion to allow the Old Town Hall Committee to go forward meeting with the Library Building Committee to see if there’s a means of getting together to use the Old Town Hall as the library and will come back to the Board of Selectmen with suggestions, seconded by Selectman Brown. 3 in Favor, 1 Opposed and 1 Abstained.

Public Comments
Representative Gottling reported that the County Auditors gave their report last Thursday, the County fund balance, which was in a deficit of  $3,900,000 is reduced to just over $700,000 and they have every expectation by the end of the year that the County will be on the road to rebuilding some fund balance.

Selectmen Action
•Chairman White read the letter that the Board received from Shaun Carroll, Jr., Chairman of the Sunapee School Board requesting that Daniel Banks not be appointed to the Budget Advisory Committee because of a conflict of interest. Motion to remove Daniel Banks by Selectman Gallup, seconded by Selectman Smith. All in Favor.
•Chairman White reported that the Town Manager received volunteer forms from 2 residents interested in serving on the Budget Advisory Committee. The first volunteer, Richard Duperey had a prior commitment and will meet with the Board at the October 5th meeting. The second resident, Shane Hastings was invited to the table to meet and answered questions from the Board. Motion to accept both volunteer applications for the Budget Advisory Committee and have the Town Manager stagger the appropriate terms by Selectman Gallup, seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor.

Chairman’s Report
•Chairman White received an email containing a proclamation for Silver Star Banner day. After much discussion the Town Manager will make up a draft proclamation and presented it to the Board at the November 2nd meeting.
•Chairman White received an invitation from the NH Electric Co-op to participate in a storm-watch meeting to be held October 7th at 9:30am at the Common Man Restaurant in Claremont. Donna Nashawaty will forward to Howard Sargent, Emergency Management Director.
•Chairman White will be on vacation from October 17th – November 4th. He will miss the meetings of October 19th and November 2nd and has asked Selectman Roach to take his place.

Town Manager’s Report
•Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that Barbara Vaughn, Administrative Assistant was sent to an Adobe Class in Concord. When Ms. Vaughn attended the class she was taught how to create and apply a survey to our website and has started working on the form. A press release will be done to tell residents to respond to the survey online or to pick up a paper copy at Town Hall so we will not be using the company, Survey Monkey.
•Donna Nashawaty spoke to the School District regarding having a section on the Town’s website and how to improve the overall communication in the town.
•Donna Nashawaty reminded the Board that Tuesday, September 22nd is “Biff Raney Day” and that Biffs family will be visiting the town and the Police Department will be serving hamburgers and hot dogs behind the Safety Service Building if any of the Selectmen would like to drop by that night around 6:00pm.
•Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that at the next meeting Jessica McAuliff, Sullivan County Coordinator for emergency operations plan to talk about the H1N1 virus. Ms. McAuliff will be talking to Board of Selectmen in Sullivan County about where they are with the plan and then come and talk to Department heads to make sure all emergency personnel get inoculated.
•Donna Nashawaty spoke to the Planning Board regarding the Scenic Byways presentation and was asked to come to the October 15th meeting and would like the Board of Selectmen to attend. The State doesn’t want to add to the Byway without community support, so the plan is to show the presentation to all the various committees. The Board of Selectmen will attend the October 15th meeting. Donna Nashawaty will also ask the Zoning Board to attend.
•Donna Nashawaty recapped the 2009 National Managers Meeting she attended in Montreal.

Motion to adjourn: Unanimous Meeting adjourned at 8:43PM.

Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                Approved:_____________          

____________________                            ______________________
Stephen White, Chairman                         Charlotte Brown

_________________________                       _______________________                 
William Roach, Vice-Chairman                    Frederick Gallup

Emma M. Smith